My Word of the Year 2024: Grace

I never pick a word of the year. Until now…

(TL:DR at bottom)

This year while I was doing my intention and goal setting for Atla Astrology, I got to the part where I use my tarot or oracle cards to get a general overview of how each month is going to look for the year. What to expect, what energy might show up, etc.

When I finished up this year, I heard a voice tell me to pick a card and get my word of the year.

I was using my Medicine Card Deck, which is a Native American Spirit Animal Medicine deck. Each card contains a picture of an animal inside a DreamCatcher and in the corresponding book, there is a word/phrase, that goes with each animal.

I hate picking a word because it feels so suffocating and stringent to stay with ONE word all year long. But this year, my Spirit Guides, were not letting me go without one.

So I listened and I drew a card. The one I got was the Swan, card #39, and the word Grace that goes along with it.

Now, growing up in a cult, the word Grace means something very different to me than it might to others. It was usually used as an all access pass to be an asshole/horrible human and excuse it all by saying “Well Im just a sinner saved by the Grace of God.” And kinda shrug your shoulders, like “oopsie!” and continue on your way of never changing.

I was immediately triggered by this being MY word for the 2024 year.

But when I read the description in the book, my opinion on this word changed.

Their meaning, in the Native American Tribe of the Choctaw nation, was surrendering to the Universe and Great Spirit and their plans for you, of letting go of control and needing to be in charge, of remembering your powerful gifts of intuition. Of embracing the divine feminine energy inside of you.

Of no longer hiding your abilities from the world.

And I cried.

Reading that brought me to tears because that was literally the intention and goals I had set for myself this year. To be authentically me and embrace my gifts and my feminine energy in how I go about my life and business.

If that wasn’t serendipitous, I don’t know what is.

And this is something I am teaching my clients this year and extending to them as well. Extending Grace and the ability to just be who you are, forgiveness for mistakes, and not shaming or judging them for anything.

It has been such an amazing year already with this word: Grace.

I am embracing it and the meaning the Native American’s gave to it.

Because that meaning resonates with me way more than any other I have ever heard.

What’s your word for the year? Did this meaning of Grace resonate more with you than any others you’ve heard? Let me know in the comments below.

TL:DR: Want the audio version instead? Click HERE to listen to the Alchemy, Astrology, and AstroHealth podcast episode all about my word of the year.

Eir Atla

Eir (EYE-ur) Atla is an Intuitive goddess who holds the keys to Cosmic Wellness. Eir has the ability to dive deep into your Cosmic Blueprint, dig up the root cause of your hormonal imbalances, and guide you to radiant health and wellness.

As the Author of "Your Sun Sign and Your Health" & "Hormonal Balance through AstroNutrition", Creator of Astro Aligned Kitchen, and host of the top podcast "Alchemy, Astrology, and AstroHealth" on Spotify, Eir empowers individuals to reclaim their vitality.

She has helped countless women restore balance to their bodies and, in turn, regain their health, have the children they always wanted, heal from PCOS/Endometriosis, return to peaceful periods, have tranquil transitions to menopause, and so much more.

Eir is the owner of Atla Astrology, where she practices Medical Astrology, AstroHerbalism, and AstroNutrition. She holds 3 degrees in herbal medicine, 2 in Medical Astrology, 1 in nursing, and has a certification in Naturopathy. She combines all that knowledge, and 21 years of practice as an RN, to provide whole body, holistic care, and wellness consulting to her clients.

Come join Eir and start healing and rediscovering harmony within your body today.

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