
Women's Holistic Health Conference Replays- Day 3

Jamie Wilson is a herbalist and healer that works with women who are dealing with stress and burnout. She talks about herbs that are very healing for both stress and burnout and how to use them in your everyday life.

Tess Fairbridge talks about how losing her voice and ability to speak up for her needs caused physical health problems and how finding her voice helped her heal her body. She then dives into how you can find your voice as well.

Grab your swag bag: https://www.atlaastrology.com/swagbag

from Chat:

[10:10 am - May 19, 2024]

Eir Atla (Host): if you haven't already, grab your swag bag!! https://www.atlaastrology.com/swagbag

[10:11 am - May 19, 2024]

Eir Atla (Host): and don't forget to join us later this afternoon at 3:15 pm Eastern time for the breakout sessions and 1:1 with Jamie and Tess. https://meet.google.com/anz-mrhu-hku

[10:15 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): "There's another life that's available to you if you have the support you need" - THIS

[10:17 am - May 19, 2024]

Eir Atla (Host): YES!!

[10:26 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): Milky oats

[10:26 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): Nettle

[10:26 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): (making notes for myself here!)

[10:26 am - May 19, 2024]

Eir Atla (Host): Nettles are amazing for Leo Suns like yourself Tess.

[10:27 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): I like nettles :) I have also made curry with them. Not just tea!

[10:27 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): I've never had a nettle latte! Like matcha?

[10:29 am - May 19, 2024]

Eir Atla (Host): Blend nettles with coconut milk and a date

[10:29 am - May 19, 2024]

Eir Atla (Host): um yes!

[10:29 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): That sounds amazing. I will have to try it when I am in a country where I can have milk again (raw goat or sheep are all my body likes, wah).

[10:30 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): Lemonbalm is yum. Love the smell

[10:31 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): I was surprised you kept saying other things before tulsi! lol

[10:32 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): Tulsi, nettle, lemonbalm, milky oats

[10:35 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): Skullcap, hops

[10:39 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): When I drink locally sourced polypore tea it makes me stop sugar and coffee. Like they become totally undesirable to me. lol that's what my body needs apparently. They're my fave adaptogen, but only when they're local to me. Otherwise I've never noticed anything in my body!! Bizarre, but true!

[10:43 am - May 19, 2024]

Eir Atla (Host): Your body is really in tune with your place in the Earth it seems

[10:50 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): Starwest botanicals

[10:50 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): Frontier Co Op

[10:51 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): Mountain Rose Herbs

[10:52 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): Oregon's Wild Harvest

[10:53 am - May 19, 2024]

Eir Atla (Host): Oshala Farms

[10:55 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): Rose Oak Wellness

[10:55 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): RoseOakWellness.com

[10:56 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): roseoakwellness@gmail.com

[10:57 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): @RoseOakWellness

[10:59 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): We're all weird here!

[11:00 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): I love that so much

[11:09 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): Ooofff that "I let this happen" resonates so much

[11:27 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): My brain is also all over the place

[11:27 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): boundaries!

[11:34 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): What a beautiful way of seeing that

[11:37 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): We heal within the support of community!

[11:38 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): YES being witnessed compassionately is a shortcut!

[11:45 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): tessfairbridge.com

[11:46 am - May 19, 2024]

Tess (Guest): tessfairbridge.com/voice

[11:46 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): Just realized a recipe clarification: Nettle Latte is a Nettle infusion blended with a little bit of coconut milk (like the type from a can, the really thick milk with cream) and with a date!

[11:46 am - May 19, 2024]

Jamie (Guest): Thank you so much Tess!

[11:47 am - May 19, 2024]

Eir Atla (Host): Remember grab your swag bag now! https://www.atlaastrology.com/swagbag


Women's Holistic Health Conference: Day 2, Morning Sessions